Gov. Pillen Reiterates State Won’t Take S-EBT Funds
Laura Strimple, (402) 580-9495
Jacy Schafer, (531) 510-8529
Gov. Pillen Reiterates State Won’t Take S-EBT Funds
LINCOLN, NE -- Today, Governor Jim Pillen reiterated Nebraska would not enroll in the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (S-EBT) program provided through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Nebraska, as well as neighbor states like South Dakota and Iowa, have stated they will not seek S-EBT federal funds. Gov. Pillen’s statement follows:
“COVID-19 is over and Nebraska taxpayers expect that pandemic-era government relief programs will end too.
To be clear, this does not mean that hungry kids will lose access to summer nutrition programs. Nebraska continues to participate in the existing USDA Summer Food Services Program (SFSB), which best ensures access to nutritious food options and protective services to children who are in need.
Those added benefits are simply not available through the enhanced S-EBT program. Children who are fed on-site by trained program providers are ensured healthy meals and snacks, as well as access to educational and enrichment activities.
The on-site aspect of SFSB also allows providers to spot more serious issues like malnutrition, neglect and abuse – which are often missed when children are out of school during the summer months.”