When the Girls State Basketball Tournament tipped off in Lincoln, it was the official start of March Madness in Nebraska. It’s one of the best, buzzer-beating times of the year.
Governor's Columns
Serving Nebraskans and Focusing our Priorities
For the first time this century, Nebraska’s property taxpayers opened their statements in December and saw a reduction. The state’s economy continues to grow at a near record pace and our population has surpassed two million. We’re proud of our accomplishments, and 2024 will go down in history as a success. Now, with a new legislature in place, it’s time to turn our attention to the future and continue efforts to protect our kids, address the property tax crisis, grow our agriculture… read more
2024 Recap: Kids, Taxes, Agriculture & Values
2024 was an excellent year for Nebraska. We stood strong for property tax relief, took steps to grow agricultural production, and protected our children and values.
Celebrating the National Guard
When you are elected Governor of a state, you take on an awesome responsibility – that of commander-in-chief. It’s not something you get the chance to prepare or train for. It has been an eye-opening experience, in discovering all that our soldiers and airmen do.
Powerful Wisdom & Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month. We need only look to our own State Capitol to see the enormous influence of indigenous people on our state. From the external door to the tapestries, sculptures, and mosaics within, the Warner Chamber in particular, pays homage to those who first lived on the prairie.
Property Tax Reform: We Need to Do More
This week, I signed into law a series of bills, including those that will provide funding for property tax relief. The main bill, LB34, includes caps on local spending authority for cities and counties. LB34 also frontloads the Property Income Tax Credit to property tax statements.
Making the Case for Property Tax Reform
The health of Nebraska’s economy is at stake when state senators return to Lincoln for the special legislative session I’m convening July 25. Our decades-long property tax crisis must be resolved. Not getting the job done is unacceptable.
Cultivating a Culture of Love & Life
We are winning the fight to protect unborn babies here in Nebraska. After I signed a new law last year to ban abortions after 12 weeks, elective abortions dropped nearly nine percent, marking tremendous progress toward the goal of ending abortion in Nebraska.
Doing the People’s Work: Property Tax Reform
Over the past few weeks, Nebraskans across the state have begun receiving their property valuation notices. The common reaction to those statements can be summed up in one word -- outrage. One Nebraskan recently interviewed for a news story had the perfect reaction to the question “what goes through your head when viewing your property tax valuations?” Her response: “I can’t say that on TV.” She is not alone. Countless Nebraskans are in disbelief when they see the recent increases in their… read more
Neighbors Help Neighbors in Aftermath of Tornadoes
When things are at their worst, Nebraskans are at their best. It’s what makes our state the greatest in the nation – our people.