Cultivating a Culture of Love & Life

Cultivating a Culture of Love & Life

Governor Jim Pillen

July 8, 2024

We are winning the fight to protect unborn babies here in Nebraska. After I signed a new law last year to ban abortions after 12 weeks, elective abortions dropped nearly nine percent, marking tremendous progress toward the goal of ending abortion in Nebraska.


When I ran for Governor, I declared my 100% opposition to elective abortion, and I promised to do all that I could to protect every unborn life in our state. With the support of courageous lawmakers and the unity of the pro-life advocacy community, we made the Preborn Child Protection Act the law in 2023, banning elective abortions after 12 weeks of gestation with narrow exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. It has been a success, having saved more than 220 lives so far.


Our work is not done. We must continue the fight to protect the unborn. Much of that requires providing love and support to moms, particularly those who find themselves in an unexpected crisis. That’s why I directed the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to create and share public resources that will assist and support expecting parents before, during, and after pregnancy. It’s available at


Our task is simple. We must come together to save babies growing in their mothers’ wombs. I ask you to join me as we continue to cultivate a culture of love and life in our homes, our communities, and our state.