DOL Success Stories

Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL) – Unemployment Insurance Success Story


The Problem

NDOL's Unemployment Insurance (UI) program provides temporary financial assistance to eligible individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. In March 2023, NDOL was achieving a first payment timeliness benchmark on only 48.2% of claims, significantly below the federal target of 87%, and delaying assistance to eligible citizens. 

The Solution

NDOL developed system improvements to improve the productivity of UI claim adjudicators, including:

  • Improving the completeness of claim application information received

  • Adjusting workload levels to an amount that maximized staff productivity

  • Identifying and expanding the best practices of top performing staff

The Success

  • First payment timeliness improved from 48.2% in March 2023 to 92.7% in December 2023

    • This achieves the federal benchmark

    • It places Nebraska's performance in this important metric in the top five among states


These improvements were achieved with no additional resources.