Gov. Pillen Declares State of Emergency for Fires in Custer and Dawes Counties


Laura Strimple, (402) 580-9495


Gov. Pillen Declares State of Emergency for Fires in Custer and Dawes Counties


LINCOLN, NE – Governor Jim Pillen has declared a state of emergency for fires that have been burning since earlier this week in two counties. The Custer Complex Fire started on Monday and now consists of three active fires. The Schaffer Road Fire started on Tuesday and is located southeast of Chadron. The fires have been fueled by a combination of high winds, low humidity and dry conditions. 


Proclamations issued by the Governor authorize the state’s adjutant general to activate state emergency plans and resources necessary to manage the fires, preventing possible loss of life and property. 


The proclamations are included with this release.

2025 State of Emergency Custer Complex Fire

2025 State of Emergency Schaffer Road Fire