Laura Strimple, (402) 580-9495
Allan Urlis, (531) 510-8529
Tax Receipts Near Target, Put State in Position to Pursue Property Tax Reform
LINCOLN, NE – Final general fund tax receipts for fiscal year (FY) 2023-2024 came in near target – putting the state in good position to pursue transformative property tax reform. Governor Jim Pillen says he is pleased with the year-ending report.
“The results reinforce our work with the Legislature to pass the most fiscally conservative budget in our state’s history,” said Gov. Pillen. “We are well on our way to identifying efficiencies across state government, decreasing expenses, and running it like a business. That feeds into our most immediate goal of fixing the state’s property tax crisis in the upcoming special session.”
Receipts slightly trailed projections by $10.6 million, 0.1% lower than expected. In June, general fund revenues exceeded projections by $39 million ($774 total).