Proclamation Request

Proclamation Request Guidelines

The Office of Governor Jim Pillen offers proclamations as a courtesy to Nebraskans. Proclamations honor organizations and highlight issues and causes about which Nebraskan's care. These honorary documents do not carry the force of law. All proclamation requests are reviewed by the Governor's Office to determine whether the request complies with the policy and criteria outlined below.

Please note:

  • The Governor's Office only acknowledges requests from in-state organizations. If a national organization wishes to request a proclamation, please identify a local affiliate or sponsor to submit a request for consideration.
  • The Governor's Office must receive a complete request and draft proclamation at least 30 days prior to the date you wish to receive the document to allow for approval and production. Information packets and/or suggested national proclamations will not be accepted for consideration.
  • The Governor's Office may grant or decline any proclamation request without comment at any time.
  • Please carefully review all the policies and criteria listed below before completing and submitting a request.
  • Due to the large volume of requests, only 15 groups are granted a signing ceremony at each monthly proclamation signing event. Apply early to increase your chances of participation in the ceremony.



Policy & Criteria


A proclamation issued by the Governor honors or highlights an issue, project, cause, or program. Language within the proclamation should be about that cause or issue. It is not enough to simply name or list your organization.

A proclamation issued by the Governor does not constitute an endorsement by the Governor of or support for the issue, project, cause, or program.

A proclamation issued by the Governor recognizes a day, week, month, or year. Proclamations are issued one time only per calendar year.

A proclamation request submitted to the Governor's Office does not constitute a standing order. Annual or recurring requests must be filed with the office every year.

A proclamation request must not duplicate prior requests. Requests that are identical or similar to previously issued proclamations will be denied.

A draft proclamation request submitted to the Governor's Office may be edited and/or rewritten to receive final approval. Proclamations are subject to revisions including, but not limited to, grammatical errors, quality of content and proper and legible formatting.

A proclamation request may not highlight, reference, or take sides in political, ideological, or religious controversies.

A proclamation request should not be individualized or specialized.


Making your Request


Your request must be submitted via the online form found on the Governor's website below. Please be sure to include all contact information and complete all required fields before submitting your request for consideration.


Your request must include a draft of the proclamation.


Your request must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of your requested date. Requests will be accepted no more than six months in advance. If less than two weeks' notice is given, the Governor's Office reserves the right to decline the proclamation.

If you have further questions, please contact the Governor's Office, 402-471-2244.

pdf icon Example Proclamation

Submit Proclamation Request Online

Do you want to attend the Signing Ceremony?
Have any senators or other elected officals been invited to attend the Signing Ceremony?
If yes, please list:


(Spots are limited. Official invitations will be sent out 2-3 weeks prior to the ceremony.)

Mail To:

Is the request for this proclamation connected to a current or pending legislative bill?
If yes, please include the bill number or its content:

Total file size for all files cannot exceed 17MB.

(pdf, doc, docx, txt)

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