Laura Strimple, (402) 580-9495
Governor and Delegates Build Relationships in Czech Republic & Germany During Trade Mission
LINCOLN, NE – Governor Jim Pillen and a delegation of agency, agriculture, manufacturing, military and university representatives completed a trade mission to the Czech Republic and Germany, two countries with which Nebraska boasts significant and positive ties.
Final days in Germany included meetings with Bayer and Evonik, two companies with facilities in Nebraska. The group also took part in a meet-and-greet reception with Albers Beef, which has a reputation for selling high-quality beef from Omaha.
“They have been buying Nebraska beef for over 20 years and they can’t talk enough about the quality,” said Gov. Pillen. “We’ve had an incredibly high-value trip and we’ve developed relationships with great people which will enable us to do even more business.”
Jim Ramm, a cow-calf producer from Holt County and board member on the Nebraska Beef Council said he was overwhelmed by the reception the group received in Germany and the interest shown in how Nebraska producers raise and care for their animals. Now, he’s looking forward to returning the favor.
“They want to come to America and come to Nebraska and see how we do things. And so, if anybody from Burwell is listening, you’ve got to make room. We’re going to have a whole lot of folks from Germany coming to the rodeo.”
Gov. Pillen, Department of Economic Development (DED) Director K.C. Belitz and Director Sherry Vinton from the Department of Agriculture (NDA) also met with Hendrik Wüst, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia. He oversees a highly populated region in Germany where key sectors include automotive, chemical, energy, nanotech, and healthcare.
Dir. Belitz said he was struck by the commonalities between manufacturers that operate in Nebraska and their parent companies in Germany. A large portion of German manufacturers are still family-owned.
“There are a lot of similarities in how we see the world and how their values match with ours,” said Dir. Belitz. “That’s part of why having German companies in Nebraska is such a good fit.”
“We’re here to learn about German standards and the high quality they have. We’re also showing them the standards that we have in Nebraska and looking forward to working together in partnership so we can continue to produce the highest quality, safest foods that our consumers and consumers around the world demand,” said Dir. Vinton.
The early part of the trade mission to the Czech Republic included a roundtable discussion with the Ministry of Agriculture. There, talks included collaborations to detect and mitigate animal disease and the signing of an agreement for sharing information and best practices on that important issue.
Czechia is a significant producer of cattle, pigs, and milk products. Kris Bousquet, executive director of the Nebraska State Dairy Association (NSDA) said given the importance of dairy in Europe, this trip provided an excellent opportunity for establishing relationships with leadership from Czechia and the European Dairy Association.
“Reflecting on the trade mission, our accomplishments and our understanding of the challenges the European agriculturists face, it makes me grateful to live in Nebraska, because of our state’s unwavering support of agriculture,” said Bousquet.
One of the long-standing relationships Nebraska shares with the Czech Republic is through its military. For more than 30 years, the Nebraska National Guard has partnered with the Czech Armed Forces under the Department of Defense National Guard Bureau State Partnership Program. Through that arrangement, representatives have taken part in mutual military exercises, information and operation sharing and dignitary visits. During the trade mission, Gov. Pillen and members of the Nebraska National Guard met with Minister Jan Lipavský with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“We talked about the evolution of that partnership and where we are heading in the future,” said Colonel John D. Williams, NENG’s Director of Joint Staff. “What we’ve done primarily over the past 30 years is worked to build interoperability and strengthen our ability to resolve conflict in the world. There is really no limit to what we’re able to do to train together and prepare together. The Czech military is easily one of our strongest allies.”
While in Germany, Gov. Pillen and delegation members took part in EuroTier 2024. Gov. Pillen delivered the keynote at the Cattle & Pig Event, then returned the following day to take part in the exhibitor event, which included a display featuring Nebraska. EuroTier is focused on promoting technical and scientific advances in the food and agricultural industries and attracts thousands of exhibitors from more than 50 countries annually.
“It’s clear that we make the best products, we have the best agriculture, and we have the most innovation and entrepreneurship anywhere in the world,” summarized Gov. Pillen. “And we need to continue building great relationships so that we have access to international markets. Our vision is to do the things necessary for creating more value-added agriculture in Nebraska.”

Gov. Pillen delivers keynote at Cattle & Pig Event
Gov. Pillen answers audience questions at Cattle & Pig Event
Gov. Pillen presents certificate of appreciation to Albers Foods
Gov. Pillen and Hendrik Wüst, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia
Gov. Pillen tours Evonik lab in Essen, Germany